
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Rohde & Schwarz Benelux B.V.

Telefoonnummer 030-6001700
Website www.rohde-schwarz.com/nl
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    Profiel van Rohde & Schwarz Benelux B.V.

    Rohde & Schwarz is a worldwide leading supplier of high-frequency test and measurement equipment, secure radio communication & monitoring systems, transmitters for radio and television broadcasting and advanced cybersecurity solutions.

    Rohde & Schwarz Benelux B.V. (RSBNL) is an independent subsidiary of Rohde & Schwarz GmbH in Munich and supplies a number of additional product lines from companies represented by RSBNL in addition to its own products.

    The main activities of RSBNL are:

    • Test & Measurement
    • Technology Systems
    • Networks and Cybersecurity

    Within these three segments we provide sales, service and project activities with a team of over 40 employees within the Benelux.
    Rohde & Schwarz Netherlands was founded in 1979 in Maarssen. At the beginning of 1988, the company moved into the premises in Nieuwegein. In 2015 R&S Netherlands and R&S Belgium merged and became R&S Benelux B.V., located in Nieuwegein. In August 2018 RSBNL moved to a new modern office in Utrecht/Papendorp, The Netherlands.
    Over the years, the activities of RSBNL have continued to expand, from a sales office in 1979 to a supplier of turn-key solutions in many areas. To this end, a project office was established within the RSBNL organization which is internationally recognized as a competence center for, among others, Naval Communication Systems.
    Through the years, RSBNL has realized many important projects for the Ministry of Defense in NL and BE, KPN, Air Traffic Control organizations, Telecom Agencies, EMC test houses, RTBF and many more.

    Profiel R&S:
    Smartphones, televisions, aircraft, cars: Millions of people all over the world use them day in, day out –
    but only those in the know are aware that they wouldn’t work without us and our technologies.
    Our measuring instruments are essential for wireless communications around the globe, for the consumer electronics industry and the automotive industry.
    Hundreds of TV transmitter stations and numerous air traffic control centers use our hardware. Digital mobile communications could only take off after Rohde & Schwarz, on behalf of the GSM consortium, developed the first network simulator to test mobile phones. In other words, modern life would be inconceivable without Rohde & Schwarz. Our inventions and innovations have opened up new avenues for technological advancement and helped to bring comfort and convenience to people’s everyday lives. Naturally we plan to remain a key player in developing leading-edge technology in the future. And to do so, we need the brightest minds we can find.
    Rohde & Schwarz is home to in-depth engineering know-how and highly innovative and committed employees. We’re recognized as a world market leader in wireless communications. Plus, we develop future-oriented products for many growth markets such as mobile phone technology, radiocommunications and digital television. We do business in more than 70 countries worldwide, and we value individuals who share our main objective: To be the best!


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